Airport Madness 2
You are an air traffic controller and your job is to give takeoff clearances, landing clearances and taxi clearances and maintain order and safety.
Clicking on an aircraft will bring up its' control panel. The panel contains control buttons as well as basic information about the flight.
Arrivals will land themselves without any input from you, and can also be slowed down, or even "pulled up" if the spacing between other aircraft is too close or if a collision is imminent. After an aircraft lands, it stops before crossing other runways until you give permission to cross.
Departures will wait patiently at the gate for you to give them a "taxi clearance". Once they have their taxi clearance, they will taxi and stop at the edge of their departure runway until you give them a takeoff clearance.
Your starting salary is $30,000 and your wages increase based on your efficiency. Don't let the aircraft wait! As they sit on the taxiway waiting, you lose money.
Crashes will cost you $10,000. Have three crashes and your game is over!
Don't let aircraft sit. Keep them moving. There will always be airplanes waiting at the gate, waiting for a takeoff clearance, or waiting to cross a runway.
Don't push it. If you don't think there will be enough time to squeeze out an airplane, let him sit.
"Line up" an aircraft on the runway before giving them a takeoff clearance. This gives you the ability to run planes even tighter so that you can score an even larger salary.
If a collision is imminent, "pull up" the arriving aircraft. They will climb straight ahead. You will lose $1000 for each "pull up", but it's worth it if it prevents disaster.